Having just read an article on Setting Boundaries for Teacher-Student Relationships After Hours, I thought you might find this interesting. According to the article, a teacher wanted to know, how accessible should they be to parents after school hours. She was curious because some teachers take to long to respond to their emails.
My answer to this question is quite simple. Teachers, it’s up to you how much time you spend addressing parent concerns after hours, unless there are specific guidelines stating otherwise in writing by your school district. I would suggest that you be proactive and address this situation before it becomes a problem.
It is important for you to keep an open line of communication with your parents. You could start by drafting a Welcome Back To School Letter to send to your parents. Introduce yourself and list your goals for your class and the requirements for the year. Include your school email address, and when you can be reached to address their concerns. Once this letter has been established, update it each year and use it for each incoming class. Then everyone involved will have clarity about what to expect from you concerning their children.
The key to a successful school year hinges on your ability to develop and maintain a cohesive relationship with the parents and the school community. That’s where your support comes from. Once they know, trust and respect you, your job will become easier and they will support you without fail. Let’s not forget that the parents are one of your greatest. I’m sure you already knew that.
It’s good when the students can see a partnership being formed between home and the school. Everyone working together on their behalf. This also prevents manipulation from your little geniuses who’s little creative minds at constantly at work. Trust me, if they see a sign of unrest among you, they will seize the opportunity and try to work it to their advantage. It’s a smart move when you can stay on your toes and play offense so you won’t have to play defense.
Of course it will require some work at first, but as you lay the foundation for a successful school year, you will find that it will be well worth the effort. You can thank me later.
It is also critical for your self care and your mental health when there is a balance between your work and personal life. Using this strategy is a gigantic step in the right direction. When you fail to put yourself on your daily agenda, you will become overwhelmed and burned out. The absence of self care is one of the reasons many teachers are leaving the profession and running toward the exits. The teachers are looking out for the kids, but who is looking out for the teachers.”
To recap, keeping your parents informed about your availability after school, whether by letter or other form of communication, will go a long way toward developing a cohesive relationship and avoiding conflict later.
How accessible do you think the teachers should be to parents after school hours?
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