This is the time of the year for the children to start to put away the summer gear, and pull out the book bags, the school supplies and the uniforms.
It’s a time for new beginnings. This includes meeting new teachers, new schools, and making new friends.
The first day of school can be a bit scary for the younger kids therefore, a lot of parental support is needed. They can benefit from lots of positive reinforcement and encouragement. Maybe a hug, or a pat on the back to let them know that you are there for them just might be a good idea. This may make them feel better, and can go a long way toward helping them make a smooth transition into the new year.
Try these suggestions to ease some of the anxiety, and reduce some of their fears so they can return to school excited and full of confidence.
Prepare the children for school: Talking about school goes a long way toward laying a foundation for a good year. Ask questions to find out about their interest are as well as their favorite and least favorite school subjects.
This maybe a good time to talk about your expectations for the year. Discussing such topics as school rules, grades, study habits, appropriate and inappropriate behavior, and safety are just some of the things the family can talk about.
The children are never to old for you to tell them that you support them, and you will always be there for them. A good conversation with the kids can be most rewarding, and a great way to build their confidence.
Adjust schedules and routines: Discussions are great before going back to school since their daily habits may have changed drastically during the summer. Two to three weeks before summer ends, start easing the children back into their bedtime routines to a time that closely reflect their regular school schedule.
Prepare book bags, and lay out clothing the night before can give them a fresh start the following morning.
With the help of the children, choose a designated area for their personal items that’s easily accessible when they are ready to rush out the door. This tend to alleviate a lot of stress for all persons involved.
To avoid miscommunication, last minute cancellations or unforeseen changes in schedules, phone your contacts the night before regarding babysitters and carpoolers if appropriate.
Visit the school prior to opening day: This idea works especially well for transfer students who are new to the area, or first time students. There’s nothing like knowing how to find your way back home after a long school day. A supervised walking trip from home to the new school and back, while exploring the neighborhood at the same time, is a great stress reducer for both you and your children.
Shop early for sales and last minute deals: Your city and neighborhood newspapers and flyers are excellent sources for up to the minute sales in your area. Seek out the Sunday and Wednesday editions of the newspaper in both print and electronically. Early shoppers tend to have more time for comparing prices, avoiding the last minute rush, and making their purchases before the store’s supply has been depleted.
Meet and communicate regularly with the school staff: Make plans to visit the school early in the year. Introduce yourself to the principal and your child’s teachers. This is the first step in building a relationship with the school staff, and it sets the tone for the entire year.
This is a great time to exchange telephone numbers and email addresses. This makes it easier for you to ask questions about homework, school projects or other school related information, without having to schedule an appointment to visit the school. A few years ago, parents didn’t have the luxury of emailing the teacher at a moments notice. Having access to the school has become very convenient for the parents and a bit uncomfortable for the students.
Try to keep all telephone numbers current at all times. Providing the school with this information helps to ensure your child’s safety and reduces a lot of stress in case of an emergency.
Thanks for reading this post. I hope some of these strategies will work out for you. Let me know what you think in the comment box below.
Have a successful and fun year !
Ruby Freeman
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