Labor Day has come and gone and school is back in session. Now that you are back, take some time to visit your old friends, meet new ones and catch up on the latest news from the summer. Once that is done, prepare to get down to business.
Here is a list of things you can do to help get the school year off to a great start.
Tip#1: Start your day by eating a nutritional breakfast. It has been said that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. I do know that without it, during the middle of the day there is a tendency to feel a little sluggish and the top of mind question is ,” What time is lunch?”
Tip#2 Complete homework assignments shortly after returning home from school. Try to avoid the rush of doing your homework at the last minute, or the early hours of the morning. Waiting until the last minute can cause unnecessary stress. Rushing can also interfere with your concentration, thus causing you to make costly mistakes.
Tip#3 Organize your book bag before going to bed. As soon as you are done with your homework, place all of your assignments, books and materials in your book bag. Then place your belongings in a convenient place near the door. You will thank yourself the following morning when you’re rushing out the door, and everything you need is easily accessible.
Tip#4 Don’t forget to turn in your completed homework. A common problem with many students is forgetting their homework. For some unspecified reason, they tend to stuff their completed work inside their desk, instead of turning it in to the teachers. Does this sound familiar to you? Do you know of anyone who maybe guilty of this?
To help you with this, use a student planner, or a notebook with a binder to write down assignments for each class, with deadlines if necessary. With so much information being consumed from different teachers each day, it is easy to forget some of your assignments. A daily planner will serve as a reminder what work needs your attention, and it also helps to keep you organized.
Tip#5 Give your NEW teachers a chance. Just as you are excited about returning to school to see your friends and get the new year started, well so are the teachers.
It may be quite obvious that you loved your old teachers, and got along well with them last year. But this is a new year, new grade, new teachers, new goals and expectations for the new year.
Just relax, take a deep breathe, keep an open mind, cooperate, do the very best you can and have a successful school year. I am cheering you on ! I believe in you.
Related: Back to School Tips For Parents
If you have questions or concerns during the school year, I am here for you. Leave a comment in the box below. Let me know how these tips work out for you. I would love to hear from you.
Have a successful school year.