Grief can be defined as a loss or sadness resulting from a death, a divorce, a loss of a pet or a maybe a best friend who may have moved to a different side of town. Here are eight strategies to consider when confronted with grief and you are trying to ease the pain. 1.The first and […]
The month of March is a time to recognize some of our Women of Distinction and some of their accomplishments that changed the lives of people everywhere. In this article, I will share some hightlights from the life of Rosa Parks. Rosa Parks 1913-2005 was an African American woman who transformed the lives of many individuals, when she failed to […]
The month of February has been designated as a special time to pay tribute to great leaders whose contributions have become a part of American History. Since 1926, February has been observed as African American History Month. It is also commonly called Black History Month. The first celebration of Black History was introduced by Dr. Carter G. Woodson in […]