Celebrating Black History Month

Black History Month is a highly anticipated time in the lives of the children around the world. They anxiously look forward to a wide range of activities where they will learn and participate in events related to the great works of both past and present African American leaders.

With that in mind, here at helpingkidslearn.org , we will share memories and antedotes centered around the theme of Black History Month. Today, we will start by highlighting the great works and accomplishments of Dr. Daniel Hale Williams.

Dr. Daniel Hale Williams III, 1856-1931  a native of Hollidaysburg, Pennsylvania was the first person to perform open heart surgery in the United States. Prior to pursuing his career in education, he worked as a shoemaker and as a barber.

He met a local physician named Dr. Henry Palmer and became fascinated with his work. Daniel decided to follow his path, and entered medical school. After his graduation in 1883, he opened his own medical office.

Dr. Daniel Hale Williams co-founded Provident Hospital on the southside of Chicago in 1891. It was the first black controlled hospital in the nation, thus allowing black nurses and doctors a place to provide service to their patients. It is still standing in it’s original location at 51st and Dr. Martin Luther King Drive.

In 1893 Dr. Williams performed the first open heart surgery on a young man who had been severely wounded in the chest, and was in dire need of medical attention. He risked his reputation to perform the surgery, even though he did not have adequate equipment, supplies nor access to the benefits of x-rays, blood transfusions and antibiotics to fight the infections. He did what he could in order to save the young man’s life. His patient recovered and lived an additional fifty years.

As the news spread about his work, physicians traveled across country to sit in on his surgeries and observe his work.

The proposed site of the home of the Barack Obama Presidential Library will be located in close proximity to the historical Provident Hospital that was founded by Dr. Daniel Hale Williams.

Who is one of your favorite African American leaders ? Please leave a comment in the box below.

To Your Success,

Ruby Freeman                                                                                                                                                                     Ruby@helpingkidslearn.org                                                                                                                                            www.helpingkidslearn.org



www.Black Post.org                                                                                                                                                            www.Encyclopedia.com                                                                                                                                                    www.The Blackinventiononline.com

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