Congratulations Graduates

We may live in an world of instant messaging, instant gratification and instagram, but there is no way to short circuit the path to success. ~ Tory Burch

Congratulations graduates! You’ve worked hard all year and met the goals that you set for yourself. The steps that you’ve taken to get this far has required you to be focused, disciplined and not to mention many sleepless nights plus a lot of sacrifices and hard work.

That says a lot about you, and your success this far. You’ve probably exceeded your own expectations. Now it’s time to celebrate your accomplishments before you embark on the next chapter of your life.

Where will you go,and what will you do ? What is your next move? Will you go on to higher education,  start your career, go directly into the workplace, or will you take a gap year and pursue other interest? The choice is yours.

As you visualize your future, look at your life through the lense of possibilities.

There are so many options available to you. Whatever you choose, the magic in making it happen is to believe in yourself.  I encourage you to make wise choices for yourself, as you plan for your future and design the canvas for your life. Construct your personal blueprint according to your own specifications. Create a design that is uniquely you, and not a carbon copy of someone else. Focus on doing what makes you happy.

Be mindful that other people sometimes try to live their lives through you. By all means, listen to others but, be strategic when planning. Listen and learn, but make your decisions based on careful thought, research, the desires for your future, and the outcomes you want to achieve.

Graduates, your destiny is in your hands . It’s up to you which path you take. Use your wisdom, and knowledge and choose well as you carve out your path to your future.

The world is waiting on you. Go out there and live your dreams.

I’m cheering for you !

Ruby Freeman



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