Don’t Give Up Too Soon

“Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always try just one more time”. ~ Thomas Edison

Success can only be achieved when you have the mental toughness to keep moving forward and not give up.

Have you ever experienced challenges in your life, you felt stuck and didn’t know how to move forward? You couldn’t ask for help, because you didn’t know what questions to ask, or you didn’t know what you didn’t know. When you find yourself in a similar situation, what do you do ?

Challenges, roadblocks or obstacles are bound to show up at some point in your life. Learning how to cope during difficult times is a strategy that must be mastered, in-order to move forward and get the results you desire. Yes, it can be frustrating, confusing and discouraging, but the key to becoming a success is being able to find the inner strength and support needed to reach your goal.

Can you imagine for a moment how many time Thomas Edison tried to make the electric bulb work before it actually gave off light.

How many times did the Wright Brothers placed the airplane on a runway before it was able to fly in the air ?

What if they had given up on their inventions and failed to give their project just one more try. Where would we be today without electric lights or airplanes ? Would these inventions be a part of their legacy today if they had given up before their projects were complete?

Try these six tips to move you forward when you find yourself in a situation, and you are wondering what your next move should be.

  • Seek out the opinion of a trusted friend, advisor or mentor. Someone who will be truthful with you and not just tell you what you want to hear.
  • Take a break. Go for a walk and breathe in some fresh air.
  • Smile and say hello to people you meet. Most often when you smile, others will smile back at you.
  • Look for ways to make  small changes in your daily routines.
  • Divide your task into tiny steps. Take one step at a time.
  • If you should feel stuck, keep moving forward, pause if you must but don’t give up.

Success can be achieved and you will reach your goal if you can stay focused, be unstoppable and don’t give up to soon.

Let me know how these tips work out for you by leaving a comment below.

If you know of a child who could use some help in school. Please share the link to this free download below.

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To your Success,


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