Don’t Give Up Too Soon

“Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always just try one more time”. – Thomas Edison

Much too often I hear of students dropping out of high school or college or giving up on a project they love, because of the challenges they faced. Success can only be achieved when you have the mental toughness to stay the course, and not give up when times get hard.

Challenges and roadblocks will occur in your life at one time or another. Developing a strategy to resolve those roadblocks, and challenges is a skill that must be mastered if you want to achieve a desired outcome. Yes, it can be frustrating, even overwhelming sometimes, but the key to getting things done is to find the inner strength to lean in and keep pushing forward. 

The good news is – achieving the success you desire is within your reach. Why? Because you have the inner strength, the ability, and the talent to get things done.

Just imagine how many times Thomas Edison tried to perfect the light bulb before it gave off light. 

How many times do you think the Wright Brothers placed the airplane on a runway, before it was able to lift off and stay in the air?

What if they had given up on their inventions and failed to try again and again? Imagine where we would be today without electric lights and airplanes. Would their inventions be a part of their legacy if they had given up before their projects were complete?

Have you ever felt stuck and didn’t know what to do? You couldn’t ask for help, because you didn’t know what questions to ask. If you find yourself in this situation, here are some recommendations that you may find helpful in keeping you encouraged, and your momentum going.

Take a break, hydrate yourself, or go for a walk and breath in some fresh air.

Smile and say hello to the people you meet. Sometimes, they will smile back at you.

Seek out the opinions of a trusted friend, a coach or mentor. Someone who will be truthful with you, rather than just tell you what you want to hear.

Look for ways to make small adjustments in your daily routines and or your surroundings. 

Try dividing your task into bite-sized steps. This enables you to achieve smaller wins faster, which can be a boost to your self-confidence.

The key to achieving any goal in school, your career or business is to keep moving forward and never give up. Take a pause to refocus, reset, lean in, and then push your way through. Success can only be achieved when you have the mental toughness to resolve the problems and remain committed to your task until it has been completed.

 Leave a comment and let me know how these recommendations worked out for you.

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