5 Inspirational Holiday Activities For The Kids

To often the children are excited to get out of school. Yet they return after the break, and say they were bored. In this article, I are going to share some suggested holiday activities you can try to keep them engagedĀ during their winter break.

Bake holiday treats: With the children’s help, look through cookbooks, the food section of the newspaper, magazines and scour the internet for kid friendly recipes that’s easy to prepare. There are many fun food items such as candy or fruit or veggie treats they will enjoy where no cooking is necessary. Stress the fact that, your supervision is a must when creating their fun holiday treats.

Visit the zoo: A trip to the zoo to see the animals can be fun as well as entertaining. The children can study the tracks in the snow, and observe how the animals interact with each other. They can also compare and contrast the size and shapes of animals by telling how they are alike and different.

Play outside: Children love to play outside in cold weather. For a fun day outside, bundle up the kids, dress them in warm water resistant clothing, and don’t forget the warm beverages.
They can build a snowman, if the weather permits, or use their colorful rubber mats to take the younger siblings on a sled ride through the snow.

Create a family night: Choose one week night to have some good old time family fun. In the spirit of the holidays, sing Christmas carols, tell stories and watch holiday movies together on television. You can also tell the kids what it was like at your house at Christmas time, when you were a child.
To keep ideas fresh and interesting, allow different family members to be responsible for a night’s entertainment. Kids love to take charge and show you what they know.

Give educational toys as gifts: Choose items that require them to think while playing. This is great for building their skills. Books centered around their interest make great gifts as well.

Regardless of what you do to entertain the kids this holiday season, create a block of time where no technology is allowed. Choose activities where the family can come together, share conversation and have fun and lots of laughter. This helps them to better express their thoughts when communicating to others, and it help them to become better writers.

How are you spending time with your children this holiday season? Let me know in the comment section below.

Shoot me an email and let me know how this work for you. Ruby@rubyfreeman2.com

Don’t forget to download your free report at www.helpingkidslearn.org

Enjoy the holidays,
Ruby Freeman

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