Here we are well into the new year, with your list of resolutions staring you in the face.
Did you master all of your goals last year?
Did you exceed your goals, or do you find yourself sometimes looking at the same goals year after year?
Do you start each year with gusto, but never quite cross the finish line with some of your goals?
If that’s you, then you are not alone. If you want to change your circumstances, you may want to consider changing your perspective. Try thinking about mastering your goals a different way.
If you desire to move forward this year, and achieve your goals by the end of the year, here are some suggestions to get you started.
It was Steven Covey an American author who said, “The key is not to prioritize what’s on your schedule, but to schedule your priorities”.
This is my take on what I think he meant.
Make a to-do list in order of their importance: List the top priority items first. Do whatever it takes to get it done before moving to the next item on your list. If you only complete one task each day, get it done. That’s progress!
Give yourself a deadline: Deadlines help you to imagine your end results. Don’t be to hard on yourself by setting unrealistic deadlines. That will only cause stress, which you want to avoid at all cost. Set deadlines that you know can be accomplished.
Make a plan: Organize your thoughts and write them down. Decide what you are going to do, how you are going to do it, and the order in which you are going to do it.
Look back on your list periodically to check on your progress. Take note of how you are proceeding at intervals of your choosing; such as daily, weekly, monthly or quarterly. Do whatever works for you. Cross each completed item off your list when you’re done.
Find an accountability partner: Choose someone who cares enough about you and your goals to be straight with you, and is willing to hold your feet to the fire, so to speak. Oh yeah, that kind of person does exist. They’re out there, you just have to spend some time thinking about who fits the bill. Then approach them, and ask for their help.
Reward yourself for completing your task: Remember, everyone needs encouragement for doing a job well, but only when the item on the list has been completed. No Cheating!!!!
Last, move on to the next item on the list. Then rinse and repeat the process: Just in case you don’t finish your goals, pat yourself on the back for giving it your best. Remember the old adage, “ If you try and don’t succeed try, try again.”
To your Success,
Ruby Freeman