Good Grades For Pay is a spirited topic that has generated some interesting conversations and many opposing views.
Recently, I had a conversation with a family who had gotton feed up with their child’s poor grades, and a lack of interest in school. After a lengthy discussion and brainstorming ideas, they decided to make some radical changes.
They knew their child had potential, and they were determined to reach him by any means necessary.
The family devised a plan. They chose to use cash as an incentive for grades A, B and C for both classwork, and progress reports. This is the offer they presented to their child.
$ 5.00 for each A
$ 4.00 for each B
$1.00 for each C
As you can imagine, the results were astounding. Within weeks, the parents saw a dramatic improvement in the child’s attitude toward school, and their grades improved. The child couldn’t wait to come home after school to show off his excellent papers and collect his cash. The child walked away with their parents money, the parents received a good report from school, and everyone was happy.
While this idea worked well for this family, it may or may not work as well for others.
Children tend to struggle in school for different reasons. Some may have lagging grades because of poor study habits or lack of interest. Others maybe doing the best they can, and need some additional interventions.
If your child need help in school, you’ve come to the right place. I’ve created a Free Special Report just for you. It is called, “Six Top Reasons Your Child Maybe Struggling In School”. You can get your copy by clicking on the link below. It will take you to a page where you will enter your name and email address to get your Free download.
Both parents and teachers have found the strategies in this report very helpful. Hopefully you will too.
“Give children the kind of help they need, so they can experience success, and get the kind of grades they can be proud of. That’s what education is all about”.
What tips can you share with my readers to encourage improved performance in class ?
What do you think about parents paying children for receiving good grades?
Do you know anyone who could benefit from this information, if so, please share this with them.
Stay tuned for part 2 where I will share comments from both parents and grandparents on this subject.